
Sketch Dump 5.7

Part 3 of Sketch Dump 5.

From Dec 2012 to present.

To comply, or not to comply...

Sketch Dump 5.3

Part 2 of Sketch Dump 5. Finally putting that decimal point to good use.

From Sept 2012 to Dec 2012

Sketch Dump 5.0

Another Sketch dump. Haven't done one of these in a long time.
I selected a bunch of sketches that I felt like sharing, even if a lot of them were terrible. There are quite a few of them, all of which are digital, since I no longer have a scanner for traditional stuff. I also decided to split it into 3 posts of around 30 sketches or so.

Anyway, expect weird, stupid and potentially NSFW stuff in these posts. (you've been warned)

These sketches are from May 2012 - September 2012
Aigis Margatroid

Aigis from Persona 3, dressed in Alice Margatroid's clothing... just because.



Nyan Nyan Nyatorin
... Or Catori. This is my contribution for Caturday... 
No, it's not going to be a weekly thing, haha.

I haven't drawn Alice for a while. I drew this a few days ago after talking with a friend, saying I should continue with a certain series of Alice pictures that I kind of just stopped half way. This was a quick drawing, attempting to get that certain look I drew her with on the "Yellow" one. I guess you can say this is preparation to continue that series. Hurray for lewdness!

And some chibi things.

Bucket Loli, go!
Kisume, starting of the cast of Subterranean Animism in this style. 

Your friendly neighbourhood Yamame!

Little Okuu, learning to fly.

This was more of a catchup post since I haven't posted here for a while, again. This is probably going to happen a lot, it seems. But I'll try and post more stuff here. I haven't really been posting sketches or works in progress here, which is what I intended to use this blog for.