
Sketch Dump 5.0

Another Sketch dump. Haven't done one of these in a long time.
I selected a bunch of sketches that I felt like sharing, even if a lot of them were terrible. There are quite a few of them, all of which are digital, since I no longer have a scanner for traditional stuff. I also decided to split it into 3 posts of around 30 sketches or so.

Anyway, expect weird, stupid and potentially NSFW stuff in these posts. (you've been warned)

These sketches are from May 2012 - September 2012
Aigis Margatroid

Aigis from Persona 3, dressed in Alice Margatroid's clothing... just because.
I wanted to draw her with Palladion (her Persona) attached with puppet strings, like Alice's dolls...

A Flandre
 I just randomly threw colours on the canvas, instead of sketching first. Think I was really bored and lazy when I decided to do this, haha.

Youmu in swimsuit... yeah.

Another Myonmu
Expect to see lots of Youmu, by the way. ❤

Yukkuri Shiteitte ne~

Sheriff Mari

I don't even...

Youmu. Slightly battle damaged

Isn't Tewi just so cute?

 I gave up on this pretty quickly. It's supposed to be Futo surfing. That's what it seems like she's doing in her Ten Desires "Heaven Sign" spell cards. Or at least that's what I thought.


Angry Kaguya
Someone must have told her to get a job or something...

I used to draw Sonic characters just as much as I draw Touhou characters today... It really doesn't seem like it when I think back though. Maybe I obsess a little more over Touhou than I did Sonic.

Patchouli is out and about... What is this?!?
Flip flops? Popsicle? Patchy must like a nice walk out in the lovely summer weather. Okay, probably not.

 I like this one. I was going to add each of the transformation danmaku along the random curved line. Maybe I'll redo this one.

Nekkid Tenko, chilling, eating a peach. You know how it is in Heaven.

Satori, chilling, taking a bath. You know how it is in the Palace of Earth Spirits.
Again, I don't know why I drew this... Another random silly thing... Yes that's a cigar...

The snake looks happy... 
Nue looks happy.

Sailor Fuku Satorin~ She graduated elementary school it seems.

Sakuya, IN MOTION... wut
I tried to draw something cool looking. I fail at drawing cool stuff.

Kakatte Koi!
 Actually, Remi looks pretty cool here, I think.

Having a third eye comes in handy to detect peeping toms...

Original character.
This is Mai, one of the first original characters I made. I planned out the story she was in back in 2006/2007. Though originally, it was going to be a comic, I designed a game that fits somewhere in the story, for a college project. I'd like to try and make that game one day.

Drawing from reference. I don't usually do this (probably why I'm so bad at drawing general stuff) but I thought I'd give it a try. It was a speed drawing, though I forgot how long it took to get to this point. In any case, it was another thing I gave up on quickly, haha.

Youmu!!!! NOOO!!! Hang in there! ;^;

Well, something is going to happen to Satori. Be gentle, Koishi..

Nue again
She has blood on her wings, giving the impression she used them to impale people... O.o 
Might make a final drawing of this.

Grumpy old man, in pajamas.
 I wanted to do something different. Drawing cute girls all the time gets boring sometimes... Not really.

Rana and... that cat...
Rana is a character created by Hayden Scott-Baron (AKA Dock), for a personal project, but later was used as a test mob in the Indev version of Minecraft in the time he worked with Mojang. I took a shine to this character, so I decided to draw her in the blocky Minecraft world as somewhat of a tribute... even if I never did finish it. orz

That's the end of part 1. You can find part 2 here.

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