
Kogasa! 2



Just a rough work.

Having one of the worst slumps I've ever had since I started drawing. Feel like I've been getting progressively worse since the beginning of the year and haven't drawn a single thing in the past two weeks until this. Feels bad. But I've been trying my best to get back in the "game". This is a good start though, I think.


A post with stuff in it

Just a post of random stuff.

Unfinished. Likely to stay that way.
Obviously, Satori's third eye would have a monocle..

Dizzy Suwako

Suwako's hat also has a monocle...
I actually had vertigo at the time of drawing this.

Touhou OTP.

Youmu, doing stuff.
Serious Youmu.

Then some ecchi stuff... just because.