
Sketch Dump 3.0

Another sketch dump. These have been around for a while now. I was just too lazy to make this post. Some are pencil on paper sketches, some are digital.

That buxom megane girl I always seem to draw. She needs a name now, haha.

Doodle of a character from a comic that has been in my head for over 3 years now. lol.
I'll get to drawing that when I have enough confidence in both drawing and story telling though.
She has a twin sister who underwent something tragic, then... Okay. That's all I'm saying, lol.

MOAR Lorenza! The main heroine of said comic.
I  redesigned her a bit since I haven't drawn hew for a while. But she probably won't have short hair in the comic.

Another character in a story I recently wrote (and by wrote I mean planned entirely in my head. Yeah, that's how I usually do things, lol.) It's a pretty dark story, so I guess I shouldn't go into detail on it now, haha.

Some random designs for the loli.

I randomly decided to use Posemaniacs to speed draw some random poses... This is how a couple of them turned out...
All the female ones ended up looking a bit... indecent...

Speaking of indecent...

Nopan Suwako. That is all.

Random sketch when boredom struck...
I forgot what I was listening to whilst drawing it.

A 'Sonic the Hedgehog' thing. Might colour at some point.
I was also going to draw something from the "Dreamcast era" and the "Modern era" of the series in anticipation for 'Sonic Generations'. It's a bit late for that now, lol. I'll still go ahead with it though... probably.

And sword-less Youmu VS Sakuya...

Some (semi-nude, albeit still indecent) female poses.
Some of these were based on poses from Posemaniacs. Some were just based on me being a pervert.

And that's that...
I'm currently working on trying various painting techniques at the moment. Painting is a lot more fun than the airbrushy stuff commonly seen in CGs, in my opinion. It just takes a lot longer, orz. It doesn't fit with my drawing style though, so I've already changed the way I draw a bit... I'll get to all that in a later post though.

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