

I haven't posted here in a while... again.

A.. Wha... K...Koishi!! What are you doing?!

Colouring this took a lot longer that I thought it would. Nonetheless, I had fun drawing it!
Last of the year, most likely!

A year of disappointments...

All the cool kids on pixiv were doing this, so I thought I'd make one myself, haha...ha...

Going back through my older works of this year though, I noticed constant changes in style month after month. I think I focused on trying to find a style, rather than overall improvement... Still there is improvement here, I think. That, I'm happy with, but there's a lot more I have to improve on.

Also, I noticed that I've rarely drawn any original stuff since February... 
It's all 100% Touhou now... This is what it has done to me!