
Some More Stuff

Ecchi stuffs ahoy~

A NSFW warning, I guess~

The Perfect and Elegant Maid, Sakuya.
I did this one earlier this year, but only got myself to finish it recently. Seems to be something I do frequently. "^^ Finishing this seemed like a return to for of sorts, since is was more common to see stuff like this in my art during the turn of the new year and before it...

 Alice seems happy about this too...
I may do a "reboot" on a certain series of drawings of her...

Sarashi Fundoshi Myon!

And a Satori, that I feel is a little too unsafe sometimes....... 
I drew this along side this drawing of Koishi back in late 2012, But I started colouring it much later and stopped earlier in this year. It was pretty much done except a few unshaded areas. I was just being too lazy to finish it again... But I did eventually...

Even though I've recently been busy with a few things, I seem to be posting here more...

Also, it appears this is the 100th post on this blog! Hurray for the 100th post being nothing but ecchi!

Anyways, until next post!

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